Saving Positions



1. Open up Fritz 15  go to the Insert tab

2. Click Position Setup    Clear the board   Place White King on e1   Black King on e8    Click Ok   position is now displayed

3. Click Text before Move       enter “This is a test” click Ok   text appears in Notation

4. Save the game to a database    Enter  “test”  for White players name   Click Ok   Game now has test as its name, this is a test for notation, and two Kings on the board      But wait!  I want to add a Queen to the current position!!

5. Click Position Setup   the two King board comes up  

6. Add White Queen to d3     Click Ok    new game is created   not replaced like I want

And it is saved as a new game, notation is gone, name is “New Game”.  This is the problem, once a position is setup and saved any changes seem to create a new game.  

What am I doing wrong?

New position works like new game. It usually makes no sense to change the start positions. In this case the moves would be invalid. The comments would also no longer fit to the changed position.

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